Black Pepper Essential Oil
This product is currently sold out.
Latin Name:Piper nigrum
Country of Origin:Madagascar
Cultivation Method:Harvested from Wild Growing Plants
Extraction Method:Steam Distilled
Extracted From:Dried fruit
Color:Clear to pale yellow
Perfumery Note:Middle
Aromatherapy Properties:Warming and comforting. Aphrodisiac. A mental stimulant that is uplifting, strengthening and inspiring.
Suggested Use:Dilute Black Pepper Oil in an unflavored/neutral Carrier Oil such as Grapeseed or Canola Oil, and use in preparing sauces and savory dishes. Add a drop while preparing whipping cream; a wonderful addition to fresh, fragrant strawberries or mango!
Add 9 drops of Aromaland's Muscle Warm Blend (which contains Black Pepper) to 1oz. of unscented massage oil or lotion, and use to prepare for a workout or competition. Aromaland's Theratone Blend (which also contains Black Pepper), added to a lotion, will enhance it with firming qualities.
History:Well known as a domestic spice worldwide.
Specific Safety Information:Non-toxic, irritating in larger concentration, use sparingly. GRAS (Generally Regarded As Safe) approved by the FDA as food flavor.